In 1991, five families affected by Parkinson's disease met with Dr. Kapil Sethi, a neurologist at MCG (on the right in the photo, standing with Eva Erwin, a caregiver from the founding group), to discuss their questions and concerns. At the time, he was the only movement disorders specialist in the area. During that meeting they had such a good experience sharing stories and getting to know each other, that they decided to meet every month. Thus began the CSRA Parkinson Support Group. Over the years, the group grew from a small group with cookies and coffee to a larger dinner meeting with guest speakers, programs, and experience sharing. With growth came financial needs, and so began our annual fundraising and awareness walk, now known as POP Walk, the People of Parkinson's Walk. The group's continuing membership and fundraising growth has facilitated increasing resources and partnerships in the community, all with the mission of supporting people with Parkinson's, their families, and their care-partners in the CSRA.