April Meeting - Guided Discussion
Tue, Apr 25
|Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde

Time & Location
Apr 25, 2023, 6:00 PM
Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde, 4275 Owens Rd, Evans, GA 30809, USA
About the event
Please join us on Tuesday, April 25th at 6 pm, in-person in the Georgia Room at Brandon Wilde, or live on Zoom and Facebook Live. We will meet in the Georgia Room for the potluck supper and announcements, then we will split into a caregiver group and a patient group for separate guided discussions. There will be opportunities to ask questions and share experiences. Chaplain Jeff Flowers, a national board-certified chaplain, adjunct professor in ethics and spirituality, and recently retired chaplain and director of spiritual care at AU, will offer caregiving tips and answer questions from the caregiver group. Mr. Jim Allen, an active group member diagnosed in August 2021 at age 64 and an Ambassador with the Davis Phinney Foundation, will lead the patient group. He will address living well with Parkinson’s, focusing on understanding what happens inside the Parkinson patient and how to respond. Please bring a covered potluck dish if you are able. We will provide chicken strips and beverages. Hope to see you there!
Our meeting will also be available live at facebook.com/parkinsoncsra and on Zoom through this link: us02web.zoom.us/j/85853349155?pwd=WVlTTUltaE5EWEI1dmxOTTUxeGlvUT09.